
Category : Against Discrimination

Description :

ü  Definition and main concepts of anti-Gypsyism, historical context and social roots

ü  The relationship between discrimination, prejudice and anti-Gypsyism

ü  Historical background and cultural diversity of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities

ü  Socio-economic challenges and systemic inequalities faced by Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities

ü  Manifestations of anti-Gypsyism, stereotypes, prejudices and discriminatory attitudes towards Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities

ü  Institutional and structural discrimination

ü  Hate speech, hate crimes, violence and exclusion

ü  International and national laws dealing with discrimination and anti-Gypsyism

ü  Judicial practice and jurisprudence related to anti-Gypsyism

ü  States' obligations to combat anti-Gypsyism

ü  The role of the judiciary and the prosecution in ensuring equal treatment in legal proceedings

ü  Recognizing and addressing bias and prejudice in legal proceedings

ü  Promotion of fair trials and protection of the rights of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian individuals;

ü  Mitigation and prevention, promotion of comprehensive legal procedures

ü  Strategies for the identification and treatment of antigypsyism within cases

ü  Awareness and training within the justice system;

ü  Cultural competence and sensitivity, the importance of cultural awareness in legal and administrative processes,

ü  Building respectful communication with Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian individuals

ü  Overcoming biases and prejudices

Objectives :

·         Awareness and understanding: to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the concept of anti-Gypsyism, including its historical context, manifestations and impact on Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities.

·         To help participants recognize cases of anti-Gypsyism within legal and administrative processes and understand how it affects the administration of justice.

·         Mitigation and prevention: to equip participants with tools and strategies to effectively address and combat anti-Gypsyism within their professional roles, promoting fair and equal treatment for Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian individuals.

·         Cultural competence and sensitivity: to increase the cultural competence and sensitivity of participants when dealing with cases involving Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian individuals, promoting a more inclusive and equitable justice system.

Venue :

Location : Hotel Sirius
City : Prishtine


  • Bedri Bahtiri
