News and Activities - Archive


Meeting with trainers of Trial Advocacy Skills Program – NITA

On 21 January 2015, KJI had a meeting with trainers of Trial Advocacy Skills Program - NITA.

The aim of this meeting was to discuss the current and future program, evaluation of training materials, level of presentations, identify challenges of the trainers and the need to enhance the level of the respective training program.

The focus of the meeting was to discuss the content and adaptation of training materials, other follow up presentations and development of new cases in order to facilitate the application of the new provisions of the KPCC

During the meeting, trainers expressed the challenges and difficulties faced every day when applying trial advocacy techniques, and contempt of these techniques from other parties of the procedure.

This meeting resulted with recommendations on: how the training will be, its content and what will be the duration of the trial advocacy skills program.

Present at the meeting were legal advisor of US Embassy.

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