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Visit to Magistrate School of Albania

On 02 February 2015, Kosovo Judicial Director and Head of Continuous Training Program paid a visit to the Magistrate School of Albania.

This visit aimed to intensify cooperation between the two judicial training institutions. In this regard, Directors of respective institutions expressed their readiness and willingness to engage in the design of concrete exchange programs as for judges and prosecutors, as well as trainers of these institutions.

During the visit was expressed the readiness that after the exchange training program of these institutions, in training that are of common interest to the judiciary of the two countries to be invited 2 -3 beneficiary. It was also evaluated that a training of trainers with beneficiaries of two countries is much needed and will give a valuable contribution to the advancement of training methodology of the respective institutions. The organization of a joint conference on international legal cooperation is also another activity that could be arranged. Whereas field of publications is another topic where the cooperation can be intensified.

KJI representatives attended to the presentation of a summary of judgments of the Supreme Court of Albania for the period 2010-2014.

For the implementation of these activities was estimated that it is necessary to develop a detailed program of activities.

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