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Second Regional Rule of Law Forum for Eastern Europe

On 6-7 March 2015, in Belgrade was conducted Second Regional Rule of Law Forum for Eastern Europe organized by the AIRE Centre from London and the Civil Rights Defenders.

The purpose of the two-day forum was to promote implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), strengthening regional cooperation through ongoing development of rule of law and human rights, as well as improving the process of European integration in Eastern Europe. In this forum were also addressed key barriers to effective implementation at the national level, particularly Article 6 of the ECHR.
This forum was attended by delegations of Supreme Court and Constitutional Court of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Also as participants were judges of European Court of Human Rights from the mentioned countries, representatives from academies and training institutions, judicial institutions, government agents before the ECHR as well as NGO representatives.

During discussions were stressed out current trends of CHR case law concerning the right to a fair trial, large number of complaints from regional countries, the role and importance of deviation-avoidance from regular practice, problems with non-execution of court decisions, access to court and other aspects dealing with equality of the parties in the procedure.

In this occasion, was promoted regional database which contains the ECHR jurisprudence in the respective native languages as a result of cooperation between legal team of AIRE Centre with members of governments in Strasbourg region. This database will allow judges, prosecutors and other legal practitioners’ easier access to ECHR jurisprudence in regional languages and will help as a resource to strengthen implementation of the Convention at the national level.

In this forum, KJI took part in the quality of judicial training institution and was represented by a permanent trainer.

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