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Investigation of financial crimes

On 11 March 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of GIZ conducted a training on: “Investigation of financial crimes”   .

The purpose of this training was to address issues related to the financial investigation plan, use of modern methods of financial investigations and differences between procedure for verification of financial incomes and criminal offences, as well as deepening of knowledge regarding sequestration and confiscation.   

On the first day of training was elaborated the investigation plan with the special emphasis on interrogation and expert engagement, as well as money laundering investigation through financial investigation techniques. In this regard were addressed two ways of using money laundering, as basis of crime investigation and trace of money and localization.

Elements of money laundering offence, indicators of money laundering and money laundering stages were also some of the topics raised for discussion, whilst, participants were divided into working groups for solving a practical cases.

While the second day of training focused primarily on addressing domestic legal framework and international legal framework regarding purpose of confiscation and seizure a two forms of acquiring unlawful property, conditions for confiscation and seizure, problems in implementing confiscation and seizure in practice. Participants also discussed about using these methods more often in daily practice.

In this context were also addressed legal provisions regarding procedure, role and actions taken by judges and prosecutors toward confiscation and seizure, submission of requests for seizure and confiscation by prosecutors and its treatment by the judge.

Also were elaborated basic principles for seizure and confiscation, with special emphasis on principles of action under the initiative - or prosecutor's request, principle of judicial supervision and principle of legality, interim measures and request for interim measures for securing the property.

The training was conducted through discussions on difficulties in implementing the legislation in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of Basic Court, Special Prosecutors and prosecutors from Appeal and Basic Prosecution.

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