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Cancellation of Contracts

On March 24th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute held its next training on “Cancellation of Contracts”.

Purpose of this training was to enable the participants to learn more about the legal conditions which shall be met in order a contract to be considered null and dismissive, and apply correctly provisions of the Law on Obligational Relationships that relate to invalidity of contracts.

Work in this training session focused on treatment of null contract with particular emphasis on causes of nullity and persons entitled to seek contract nullity, consequences of absolute null contracts, and consequences of nullity of partially invalid contracts.

Also the dismissive contracts were elaborated with discussions on consequences on nullity of these contracts; persons entitled to seek cancellation of these contracts and statute of limitation of the right to seek contract cancellation.

Material and nonmaterial conversion and forms of its expression were also elaborated, in which case discussion focused on conditions for validity of another contract and legal effects of conversion.

In the last part of the training participants were engaged in solving hypothetical cases presented by trainers, in relation to identification of nullity and contract cancellation.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts.

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