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Training “Criminal offences against official duty”

On 12 March 2015, KJI within Continuous Training Program conducted training on: “Criminal offences against official duty”.

This training aimed to elaborate offenses such as criminal offences against official duty and corruption, abuse of power or official authority, taking and giving bribes, exercise of influence, embezzlement and fraud in office, illegal issuance of judicial decisions as well as many other offences covered by this chapter. Also during the training were discussed challenges faced by judges and prosecutors in practice dealing mainly with proper qualification of such offenses

The focus of this training were common elements of these offenses, as what is meant by official duty, who can be an official, intent and the purpose as special constitutive element of these offenses.

The training was accompanied by practical cases which aimed to support judges and prosecutors in avoiding problems that arise in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level from different regions of Kosovo.

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