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Training in the field of defamation and protection of reputation

On 09-10 June 2022, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the European Union Project JUFREX in the framework of the Continuous Training Program is conducting training on "Defamation and protection of reputation".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mr. Sultan Dobraj, Judge at the Basic Court in Peja, Deçan Branch, Mrs. Flutura Kusari, expert of the Council of Europe and Mr. Imer Mushkolaj, Executive Director, Kosovo Press Council.

The purpose of this training is to increase the capacity of judges and prosecutors in the field of freedom of expression and its restrictions as provided for in Article 10 of the Convention.

During these two days  will be addressed: Protection and reputation at the local level: legislation and recent developments in cases involving media and journalists; Jurisprudence of the ECHR in protecting the reputation of public figures recent court criteria and practices; Pyramid exercise: the level of protection offered to different types of expression; Domestic case law for reputation protection and set standards: cases from basic courts; ECtHR standards: rights and responsibilities of journalists and the right to respond; The role of the Kosovo Press Council and the Independent Media Commission in relation to defamation cases and reputation protection; Small group discussions on concrete case: the difference between facts and opinions; Presentation of newsletters prepared by JUFREX with cases from the right to freedom of expression.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions while also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are: judges from the Supreme Court of Kosovo, the Court of Appeals and judges from the Basic level.

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