News and Activities - Archive


Judicial hearing

On May 7th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training for judges and prosecutors on the topic of “Judicial hearing”.

Main goal of this training was enhancing theoretical and practical knowledge on issues that relate to correct implementation of legal provisions that relate to judicial hearing and respecting procedures for fair, efficient and effective decision making about cases.

Presentations and discussions in this training were mainly focused in treating preconditions for commencing judicial hearing, order for setting the judicial hearing, commencement of the judicial hearing and the defendant’s statement related to guilt, timelines for holding judicial hearing, bringing judgment and cases of postponing the judicial hearing.

Also, the examination techniques during the judicial hearing were elaborated with focus on legal basis and purpose of the opening statement, direct examination, cross examination, impeachment, both direct and cross reexamination, as well as the closing statement.

The training was conducted in form of discussions about challenges and problems in the actual practice in judicial hearing cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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