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Graduation Ceremony of the fifth generation of judges and prosecutors in the Initial Training Program

On 25 May 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute organized the graduation ceremony of the fifth generation of candidates for judges and prosecutors.

Candidates for judges and prosecutors have attended trainings in the Initial Training Program delivered in three training stages. This program started implementation in 2008 and besides the generation that is graduating today, the training program has delivered training for another 141 candidates in four previous generations.


At the ceremony speeches were delivered by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, Mr. Hajredin Kuçi – Minister of Justice, Mr. Fejzullah Hasani – President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi – State Chief Prosecutor and Chairman of the Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Enver Peci – Chairman of the Judicial Council, Mr. Ymer Hoxha – President of the KJI Managing Board, Mr. Samuel Žbogar – Head of the EU Office in Kosovo.

The speakers highly appreciated the success of this program, emphasizing a positive turn in the professional growth of young judges and prosecutors. At the end of the ceremony, the candidates for judges and prosecutors were awarded with diplomas, wishing them a great success in accomplishing the mission toward justice.

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