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Kosovo Judicial Institute efforts for integration on EJTN

Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute participated on the meeting of General Assembly of the European Network of Judicial Training Center (EJTN), which is held in Riga Latvia. EJTN Network is a forum composed of only European Union member states. However, this network also receives observer members and cooperates with institutions whose mandate relates to the judicial development.

On the agenda of this meeting, among others, is the review of KJI application for membership in any of the forms acceptable to the network. On this occasion, KJI director made a presentation on the reasons and purpose of the application and presented the work and achievements of the Kosovo Judicial Institute. He emphasized that KJI today marked a partnership with many training institutions in Europe and beyond, therefore this partnership has made KJI to be recognized as an institution that applies high standards toward implementation of judicial training mandate.

KJI's participation in this meeting and in general KJI efforts to join EJTN network is being supported by EU Project "Support for Legal Education Reform in Kosovo".

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