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Information Technology, business processes and the law

On June 2nd 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with USAID/ CLE conducted a training on the topic of “Information technology, business processes and the law”.

Purpose of this training was contribution in the aspect of extending knowledge about common issues of information technology occurring in commercial disagreements and understanding the nature of commercial disputes which are specific for our circumstances and require merited court resolution.

The work in this training mainly focused in treating main concepts related to information technology, functioning of the information technology and its role in the work of judges in the direction of access to important information. Also, it elaborated the applicable legislation that regulates this area, particularly the Law on Information Services Society, Law on Preventing and Combating Cybercrime and Law on Electronic Communications.

Training methodology was interactive, in which case the judges through questions and discussions raised and presented problems they face in court practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were civil judges from the Kosovo Supreme Court, and judges of Basic Court of Prishtina – Commercial department. 

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