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Cross-border operations with modern methods of evaluation (ILC)

On 23 June 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training for judges and prosecutors on: “Cross-border operations with modern methods of evaluation (ILC)”. 

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of judges and prosecutors on the case law of the international judicial cooperation in criminal matters regarding the evaluation of modern methods of investigation.

During this training were elaborated topics such as the role of the Ministry of Justice in international legal cooperation and court’s action toward ILC, where the participants were notified about the legal basis when providing or requiring international legal cooperation, extradition with countries that recognized the Republic of Kosovo.  

The training focused on drafting international legal requests and drafting of national request for mutual assistance.

The training was developed through interactive discussions were participants had the opportunity to treat the dilemmas and practical issues of international legal cooperation. 

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors of basic level and professional associates. 

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