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Implementation of Article 6 of ECHR in national level – The right to a fair trial in the context of case law of the ECtHR in Strasbourg

On September 10 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training for judges and prosecutors on “Application of Article 6 of ECHR in national level – The right to a fair trial in the context of ECtHR case law”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance professional knowledge of participating judges and prosecutors on correct implementation of Article 6 of ECHR provisions on the right to a fair trial.

This training elaborated issues that relate to elements of the right to a fair trial in context of the ECtHR case law. In this light, the following was particularly elaborated: the courts independence and impartiality, and internal and external influences, accompanied by samples of ECtHR cases.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussions about cases of the ECtHR case law.

Beneficiaries of this trai8nign were judges and prosecutors of basic instance. 

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