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Penal Sanctions in the field of Intellectual Property Rights

On 22 September 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with EUIPR conducted a training on: “Penal Sanction in the field of Intellectual Property Rights”.

This training aimed to inform judges and prosecutors on penal sanctions set by national legislation and EU legislation on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), as well as provide information regarding EU case law on this area.

In this regard, an international expert treated the criminal provisions of Rumania regarding intellectual property rights. The expert emphasized the importance of the application of intellectual property in having an efficient system for the protection of intellectual property. Also during the training were elaborated the skills and expertizes for identification of criminal offences of this nature.

The training was developed interactively where the participants had the opportunity to discuss the challenges faced during practical application of the intellectual property rights.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and professional associates of basic instances, as well as representatives from Kosovo Police and Custom Officers. 

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