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Call for Application in EJTN’s 2023 Exchange Program

The Academy of Justice is pleased to inform you that, within the framework of the cooperation with EJTN - Project II for the Western Balkans, the application deadline for the Exchange Program (short) for 2023 has opened.

This program is intended to invite applications from Trainers, Chief Prosecutors and Presidents of Courts (or deputies) to enable adequate exchange.

Therefore, we ask you to select 3 preferences in the table of offers and host institutions (attached in Excel) and notify the Academy of Justice by email (contact point for EJTN: Aurora Balaj at until October 3, 2022.

The nominees will be registered on the platform by the Academy of Justice, while the EJTN will notify us of the final selection of the candidate according to the calendar sometime at the end of January 2023.

After registration, EJTN will notify the participant to upload his/her bank details (for reimbursement purposes) and will inform him/her of the exchange to which he/she is assigned. After the event, EJTN will contact the participant to complete an evaluation form for the experience and to submit a report on the activities they have undertaken to transfer knowledge to their colleagues and the Academy.

For more information please refer to the full EJTN announcement named: EJTN WBII 2023 Exchange Program Offer 2022.09 KOSOVO in the relevant language.

Table of offers and host institutions


Academy of Justice

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