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Commencing the Training in the Field of Commercial Law

In order to strengthen and enhance professional capacities of Commercial Court Judges, the Academy of Justice from September 14, until today, in cooperation with its partner USAID Project for Commercial Law, has developed the first trainings in the field of Commercial Law, for the Judges of this Court.

These trainings are a result of a long process developed by the Academy of Justice and USAID, for the recruitment of specialized trainers from this field, in which case they will conduct the trainings according to the defined topics, for Judges and other staff of the Commercial Court.

Since the Training was 3 days long, the first day dealt with Bankruptcy Procedure, public enterprise issues, bankruptcy requests, Liquidation Procedure, differences between bankruptcy and liquidation procedure.

On the second day, the training focused on Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents. Since the topic was quite broad and could not be summarized in just one day, only the key points were touched on, such as: Types of intellectual property, conditions for registering a trademark, copyright, industrial design, patents, legal protection and intellectual property rights, etc.

On the third and last day, the issues of Implementation and the specifics of international instruments, EU directives and regulations, on commercial, fiscal and customs issues, in particular the Legislative changes on the new Law of Private International Law, were addressed.

Trainings from the Commercial field are expected to continue in the following weeks, where other topics from the Executive, Tax, Fiscal, etc. fields are also expected to be addressed.

The beneficiaries of the training were the new Judges of the Commercial Court.

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