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Advanced training on copyright

On 02-03 October, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation EUIPR project, conducted two days training for judges on: “Advanced training on copyright” within the framework of the Specialized Program on Commercial Law.

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of judge’s on the implementation of key concepts and the case law of the European Court of Justice (EJC), familiarization with EU legislation regarding copyright and related rights in terms of copyright implementation in daily practice in Kosovo.

As part of this training were elaborated EJC decisions regarding authenticity, preliminary holders and works protected as the key concepts of copyright, EJC judgments on copyright regarding compensation for private copying, as well as cases of the EJC decisions on public communication. During the training were also addressed the competitive aspects to collective management in terms of the EC decisions and the decisions of the ECJ.

Training was held in the format of interactive discussions, where judges raised their dilemmas and practical challenges.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Court of Appeal - Department of Economic Affairs, judges of Basic Court in Pristina - Department of Economic Affairs and the Department for Administrative Affairs.

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