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Protection and promotion of diversity, tolerance and equality in the context of anti-discrimination legislation

On October 7 - 8 2015, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in support of the project "normally-different" has conducted a two-day training on "Protection and promotion of diversity, tolerance and equality in the context of legislation on non - discrimination".

This training aimed to advance the knowledge of the beneficiaries in clarifying and breaking down the complexity of the legislation on discrimination and harassment as well as access to equal treatment of the LGBT community by the judiciary.

Within this training were addressed the main articles of the law regulating the issue of gender identity, indirect discrimination and direct harassment, elaboration of practical examples in order to promote empathy towards others who are different. To raise awareness of equal opportunities in society and to foster an outlook on possible personal consequences of being a member of certain social minorities or cultural groups.

Issues addressed in the training include: social inequality often a source of discrimination and exclusion.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Basic and Appeal Courts, as well as prosecutors from Basic and Appeal Prosecution.

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