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Implementation of the Law on classification of information and security clearance

On 13 October 2015, within the Continuous Training Program, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training on "Implementation of the Law on Classified Information and Security Clearance".

This training aimed to increase and advance the knowledge of participants on the law on classification of information and security clearance.

Within this training were discussed dilemmas relating to the implementation of certain provisions (Articles 25, 32 and 54) of this law. Since this law applies to all public institutions that exercise executive, legislative and judicial competences and to the Presidency of Kosovo. Special attention was also paid to the general rules on access to classified information, since this law also apply to natural and legal persons who in any way may have access to classified information.

The training was conducted through interactive discussions where the participants had the opportunity to tackle topics like files and data protection

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Administrative Department, Appellate Court, Basic Court and officials of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency.

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