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Pre-final decision on selling of confiscated assets that are subject to confiscation

On 2 December 2015, the Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Continuous Training Program (CTP), in cooperation with the EU project "Support to the Agency for the Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets", has conducted training on "Pre-final decision on selling of confiscated assets that are subject to confiscation ".

This training has aimed the advancement of prosecutors' professional skills regarding their request for selling of confiscated assets that are subject to confiscation before the final order for confiscation, to evaluate cases when they should require the sale, and to familiarize themselves with handbooks prepared for prosecutors..

During this training, a prosecutor from the United Kingdom had made the presentation, he had made an analysis about available local legislation on confiscation in Kosovo comparing to the one of EU. He jointly with local judges and prosecutors  have treated most efficient ways toward confiscation, stages of an effective confiscation process, temporary measures for ensuring of the property and selling of the property before the confiscation, provisional sequestration as basis and types for selling the sequestrated assets. Within this training were also elaborated confiscation, evidence at the trial, and the court confiscation order after final judgment.

Training was conducted in the format of interactive discussions, dilemmas were raised and challenges were presented in the current judicial practice.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level, officials from Agency for the Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Properties as well as officials from the Office of the National Coordinator for combating the economic crime.

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