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The judicial review of an administrative act - challenges and procedural difficulties

On January 29, 2016, within the Continuous Training Program (CTP), KJI has conducted training for judges on the topic "The judicial review of an administrative act - challenges and procedural difficulties".

The training was intended to contribute to the further advancement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the analysis and proper implementation of the applicable legislation in this field, as well as to elaborate the possibilities of uniform finding solutions for the successful implementation of the judicial treatment procedure of administrative disputes in Kosovo

Within this training there were elaborated issues related to the mode of initiation of administrative proceedings, persons and bodies that may commence an administrative conflict, review procedure, the procedural actions of the parties to the proceedings and actions of the administrative body which conducts the procedure. In this context, there were discussion about the means of proving in administrative review procedure, the participation of third parties in the proceeding and issues related to the completion of the administrative procedure.

Dilemmas and questions addressed in this training were treated through partial theoretical explanation and concrete examples, as well as there were conducted discussions about the main principles and rules of the Law on Administrative Disputes and the Law on Administrative Procedure

 The beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic courts in Kosovo.

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