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Expropriation and compensation for expropriation

On 21 January 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on: “Expropriation and compensation to expropriation”.

The purpose of this training was to analyze the legislation on expropriation procedure, identifying the prerequisites for expropriation, and distinguishing cases where expropriation body is the municipality and when the government' is the expropriation body.

During the training initially was elaborated the purpose of public legitimacy, the necessity, non-discrimination and expropriation.

With special emphasis were discussed the expropriation proceedings, the request for expropriation, preliminary ruling, final decision on expropriation, payment of compensation and conditions for the assignment and evaluation of damages. Also, during the training were treated types, terms and conditions that should be taken into account for the implementation of expropriation, positive effects of the effective implementation of compensation of  expropriation, how the expropriation is determined, including compensation criteria, setting of the value, evaluation methods and legal conditions provided for determining expropriation.

During the training were presented practical cases where participants had the opportunity to be acquitted with the best practices in this area.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic court from different regions and MO Officials. 

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