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Workshop with KJI trainers – for drafting training agendas for the period of February – April 2016

On 21-22 January, KJI in cooperation with GIZ conducted a workshop with KJI trainers that will be engaged in trainings organized within Continuous Training Program.

The workshop was organized with the purpose of drafting of the structure, agenda and the training content. During this workshop were trainers were assigned and were filled in the forms for implementation of the training program

Another goal of this workshop was to discuss about respecting the training manual deadlines and other relevant obligations coming out of the training process. Within this framework were also discussed the challenges toward implementation of the training and respect of training methodology by the assigned trainers.

In workshop was determined to enable trainers who have joint trainings to coordinate topics

that they have to cover during the training, what materials should be developed, which interactive methods to use and to set the timing necessary to achieve training objectives.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI trainers engaged in CTP for  the period of February – April 2016 

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