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Alternative punishments in Kosovo

The KJI in cooperation with EU Twinning Project for Strengthening probation and correctional services in Kosovo has conducted two (2) training on the topic "Alternative punishments in Kosovo".

From 29 February to 1 March 2016, it is conducted training for the first group of beneficiaries, while from 2 to 3 March 2016, it is conducted training for the second group.

The training has aimed to further strengthen the effective and efficient use of alternative sentences by judges and prosecutors in Kosovo, capacity building and application of EU best practices within the relevant structures in Kosovo.

Initially in this training was introduced the German approach and comparison to the justice in Kosovo, statistics from the practice of sanctioning with alternative penalties and recidivism in Germany. Further on, it is presented the role and functioning of the Kosovo Probation Service, legal basis, organizational structure as well as challenges faced by Kosovo Probation Service in realisation of its duties and responsibilities. In this context, there were presented statistics on imposing alternative punishments in Kosovo with forcible probation.

Additionally, there were elaborated alternative punishments, types, conditions and circumstances to be considered for their imposing, as well as the positive effects of the efficient application of these punishments.

Special emphasis was given to the discussion on conditional punishment and order for community service work as sanctions imposed mostly on the national level, legal conditions for their imposing as well as revocation and timelines for their revocation. Also the semi-freedom was elaborated, as kind of alternative punishments, wherein it was emphasized that this type of alternative punishment is imposed very little in Kosovo, despite its positive effects.

The beneficiaries of this trainings were judges and prosecutors of basic level as well as officials from the Kosovo Probation Service.

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