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Tracing, sequestration, confiscation of assets acquired by criminal offense

On 25 February 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program and in cooperation with EU funded project on assisting the Agency for Sequestration and Confiscation of Assets Acquired by the Criminal Offence, implemented by B&S conducted training on: ” Tracing, sequestration, confiscation of assets acquired by criminal offense:”

The training focused on national and international legal framework including methodology (direct and indirect) which is used for tracing, seizure and confiscation of assets acquired by criminal offense, as well as their use.

Within the training were addressed the legal framework for the administration and assignment of assets taken or confiscated from organized crime, whereas in particular the international trainer elaborated the UK practice with regard to reuse of the property confiscated by the state. Also during this session was made a comparison of advantages and weaknesses of UK legal framework and the Kosovo legal system.

The training was developed through discussions regarding the confiscation of proceeds crime in Kosovo, identification of stumbles in the system based on cases from the best practices associated with institutional and social use of confiscated assets such as: the Institutional use by Government, institutional use by local authorities and the use of direct and indirect local authorities.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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