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Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence

Today, on October 11, 2022, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the Council of Europe, the iPROCEEDS project, are conducting the introductory training for judges and prosecutors in the field of Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence.

Since the increase in the use and development of information and communication technologies goes hand in hand with the increase in crimes committed against or through the use of computer systems, the Academy of Justice, through these trainings, aims to increase the professional capacities of judges, prosecutors, police officers, in dealing with these cases.

The introductory cybercrime training course is an important and necessary course as it provides the knowledge base for judges, prosecutors and other judges on cybercrime. The training should be able to give the participants a good grasp of the basic concepts on cybercrime and other related topics.

Since the training will be three (3) days long, and will continue with another day as a workshop, the training is divided into different training sessions.

On the first day, the basic knowledge on the Internet will be discussed with participants, as well as the basic issues of the Budapest Convention.

On the II day, electronic evidence, the basic provisions of the Budapest Convention with special emphasis on crimes against identity, and criminal offenses related to computer content will be dealt with.

Day III and IV will be more like a summary of day I and II, and procedural issues arising from the Budapest Convention, protective measures, international cooperation in the field of cybercrime, as well as an overview of cybercrime investigations (LEA and/or tracking).

Beneficiaries of the training are Judges, Prosecutors, police officers, lawyers.

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