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Conflict of interest

On March 17 2016, within the Continuous Training Program (CTP), Kosovo Judicial Institute has conducted training on "Conflict of interest".

This training was intended to contribute in advancing the skills of judges and prosecutors to identify problems, irregularities and implications in the context of this criminal activity, and to deepen the knowledge about the action’s mechanisms and forms of benefit in the conflict interest cases.

Within this training is elaborated the legal framework regulating this field, focused in the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest, as main legal act to prevent these incriminating actions as well as other laws and regulations of the respective fields. Additionally, the conflict of interest was treated as a minor offense, sanctions and security measures, as well as conflict of interest as a criminal offense. In this context there were elaborated forms of committing this criminal offence, public and private interests and the consequences that causes the perpetration of these actions.

The training was conducted in such a way that through theoretical explanations and interactive discussions all dilemmas were addressed about the topics that were on the focus of the training.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level as well as police officers.

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