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Specialized Training Program on Capacity Building in Combating Corruption - Session I

On 29-30 March 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of GIZ conducted training on “Specialized Training Program on Capacity Building in Combating Corruption - Session I”.

The purpose of this training was to address carefully, comprehensively and in detail the need for professional development of judges and prosecutors involved in combating corruption offenses and handle challenges on the implementation of national legislation on combating corruption properly, with the focus on specific aspects that appear as problematic in practice.

initially, during this session was elaborated the meaning of corruption under the criminal legislation inforce, international legislation in this field, the elements, consequences of corruption and forms of inter-institutional cooperation and coordination of the institutions mandated to fight corruption.

Furthermore, were discussed the investigative plans and initial steps of investigations, development of investigation plan, handling and analysis of the available and public information, access to non-public documents and information, as well as reception and requirement of the electronic evidences.

The structure of this program contains also Session II and III composed by the same group of participants with the aim of completing the respective training cycle.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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