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The launching of the EU funded Twinning Project, "Further Support to legal education reform in Kosovo"

On April 5, 2016, there has been organised a kick off ceremony of the EU funded Twinning Project, "Further Support to legal education reform in Kosovo". The beneficiaries of the project are Kosovo Judicial Institute and the partner countries such as Germany and the Netherlands

The aim of the project is to strengthen the rule of law in Kosovo by improving legal education, in particular by enhancing the capacities in the justice sector and thus empowering the capacities of the Kosovo Judicial Institute.

The participants in the ceremony were addressed by Mr. Ymer Hoxha, president of the KJI’s Managing Board, Mr. Christoff Stock from EU office and  KJI’ A. Director Mr. Besim Morina.

Mr. Ymer Hoxha in his speech, inter alia, pointed out "This twinning project is very important for KJI, by advancing its services and at the same time by assisting the transformation into Justice Academy, which is expected to take place during the lifetime of this project".

In his speech, Mr. Christoff Stock emphasized that "this project is different due to the fact that it will focus on specialization of judges, prosecutors and judicial staff, by providing trainings tailored to their needs in their day-to-day work. By introducing competency-based training this twinning project will facilitate the transformation of KJI in the Justice Academy”.

Mr. Besim Morina emphasised that “by this project, the KJI aims to empower further its role, but also to prepare the necessary infrastructure for transformation into Justice Academy, in order to preserve the continuation of the support on development of the judicial system by strengthening professional values, independence, impartiality and working efficiency of judges, prosecutors and other professionals in the justice system in Kosovo.

The project was presented by Mrs. Christine Jacobi – Team leader of the partner state Germany, whereas presentation in legal education was made by Eric Vincken - Team leader of the junior partner state Netherlands.

The expectation of the project’s results are focused in strengthening of the training system for judges and prosecutors, including new training curricula based on professional competence.

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