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Workshop on drafting training curricula of the Initial Training Program

On 06 until 09 April 2016, KJI conducted a workshop on drafting of training curricula of the Initial Training Program.

Based on legislative amendments, KJI has estimated that there is a requirement for amendments and supplementing of the bylaws that regulate the content and duration of theoretical and practical training, as well as create a system for evaluating the adequate implementation of the training program by newly appointed judges and prosecutors during the initial training program at KJI.

The purpose of this workshop was to determine the framework of draft - training curricula, identification of training needs / modules and development of draft rules of ITP's which will regulate the organization of training in ITP, rights and obligations of the trainers / mentors, relationship between judges / newly appointed state prosecutors with KJI and the criteria for successful completion of the training program.

During this workshop, besides drafting of these acts was also discussed the challenges faced by KJI during the implementation of the initial training for judges and newly appointed state prosecutor. Regarding this issue were provided ideas on coordination and cooperation with KJC and KPC and the definition of criteria for evaluation of the results of initial training.

As a result of this workshop have been compiled; the draft Regulation on the Initial Training Program and draft - training curriculum for sixth generation. The working group of these acts was KJI staff.

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