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Combating the informal economy

From 26 to 28 April 2016, Kosovo judicial Institute in cooperation with the Twinning Project: “Strengthening Criminal Investigation Capacities against Organised Crime and Corruption” has conducted training on the topic "Combating the informal economy".

The training aimed to advance knowledge about the phenomena of fraud in the economy, treatment of effective methods to prevent this phenomenon and deepening the cooperation of relevant law enforcement institutions in this area.

In the context of this training it was elaborated legal framework that covers this field, financial investigations as the first pillar in the fight against the informal economy, the forms of these offenses such as: money laundering, tax evasion, fiscal evasion including smuggling, organization of pyramid schemes and illegal gambling. Furthermore, there were treated modes and forms of committing these acts through cyber-crime as well as prevention activities for the acts of this nature.

The training was conducted through interactive approach of German experts engaged in this training as trainers and participants who held discussions regarding German practices and comparisons with local practice as well as have shared challenges and difficulties that appear in fighting economic and financial crimes.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level, police officers as well as officials from Financial Intelligence Unit.

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