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Introductory course – module 1

From 30 -31 May and from 1-3 June 2016, KJI has realized training from the first module of the introductory course for administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices.

The purpose of the training was building the professional skills and capacities, increasing the performance of the administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices, acquaintance with general information about the structure and administration of the judicial system as well as the principles and main tasks in performing administrative tasks within the system and fostering quality services provided by members of the administration.

By the introductory course, over the five days of training, there were treated topics such as: introduction into Kosovo judicial system, constitutional principles and regulations, legislation and institutions, brief examination of judicial reform in historical aspect and recent legislative changes dealing with the structure and functioning of the judicial and prosecutorial system, introduction into judicial administration, respective legislation, functions and responsibilities, Code of Ethics and professional conduct, access to information, confidentiality of data and classified information and data protection, the concept of "Quality Oriented Services" and in the service of citizens as well as introduction into planning, management, time management and stress.

After each theoretical part the training is characterized by working in groups of participants.

The beneficiaries of the training were officials of courts and prosecution offices including: professional associates, legal officials, personnel officials, information officials, certification   officials, expenditure officials, financial officials and logistics officials.

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