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KPC, KJC and KJI have discussed some topics of joint interest

Prishtina, 10th of June 2016 – With the support of UNDP, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) and Kosovo Judicial Institute (KJI), have organized a two-day workshop regarding the improving of their policies and strategies.

During those two-day of the workshop, Heads and other representatives of KPC, KJC and KJI, have discussed on the Strategic Plans of Institutions they manage and, Regulations and Administrative Directives of joint interest.

During this workshop was also tackled as part of discussions immunity of Prosecutors and Judges and, their initial and orientation trainings.

Another topic of this workshop was needs and priorities identification regarding integration of Serbian Prosecutors and Judges in the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosova.

Midterm plans for 2017-2020 of both, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and Kosovo Judicial Council, was the last topic on which were focused discussions of the attendees of this workshop

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