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Novelties and amendments of the Code on Professional Ethics for judges

On 08, 12, 13, 18 and 22 July 2016, KJI in cooperation with the USAID program, JSSP conducted five (5) regional trainings on: "Novelties and amendments of the Code on Professional Ethics for Judges”.

The purpose of this training was for the judges to identify amendments and novelties contained in the new Code of Ethics for judges and recognize Rules for determining misconduct, adopted by the Kosovo Judicial Council.

Within these training were elaborated national and international legal used for drafting the Code of Professional Conduct for judges, whereas, in detail were discussed amendments and novelties of the Code of Professional Ethics for judges, general principles structuring, as well as standards of behavior set out in this code. Further, was discussed the regulation for determining misconduct, its purpose, the definition of misconduct, their categorization and determination of sanctions contained in this Regulation. Also, in this context were discussed novelties and amendments from the perspective of the Office of Disciplinary Counsel.

The methodology applied was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions about the content of the Code of Ethics for judges and the Rules for the determination of misconduct, where judges had the opportunity to present their observations and dilemmas.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level from all regions of Kosovo.

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