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Criminal procedure involving perpetrators with mental disorders

Criminal procedure involving perpetrators with mental disorders

October 13 2022, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting a training on “Criminal Procedure involving perpetrators with mental disorders”.

Trainers engaged for this activity are: Mr. Hashim Çollaku, judge in the Appeals Court and Mr. Ramadan Gashi judicial trainer in the Academy of Justice.

Purpose of this training is to extend the participants knowledge on specifics of the criminal procedure that involves perpetrators with mental disorders; detention for persons with mental disorders, psychiatric examination, the mandatory psychiatric treatment in institutions of the mental health and in liberty;

Training methodology is combined with theoretical training and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges, prosecutors and victim advocates.

Metodologjia e zbatuar është e karakterit të kombinuar, me shpjegime teorike dhe diskutime interaktive.

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