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Training on protection of whistleblowers

October 27-28 2022, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe – JUFREX Project, conducted a training for the administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices on Protection of whistleblowers.

This training is a result of continuous cooperation of the Academy with JUFREX Project, in developing training related to Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media, as well as on Protection of Whistleblowers.

Participants, during this two-days training, had the possibility to obtain knowledge on whistleblowing and its connection with the freedom of expression, the national and international legislation on whistleblowing, distinctions between whistleblowing in the public and private sectors, jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights and its criteria to evaluate whistleblowing cases, etc.

Besides two trainers engaged by the Academy of Justice, judge Dren Rogova and the national expert Ms. Flutura Kusari, the training was enriched also with the input from representatives of the Anti-corruption Agency who presented the ways for protection of whistleblowers from the practical aspects by their institution.

Beneficiaries of this training were whistleblowing officers within the Courts and Prosecution Offices from all regions of Kosovo.

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