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Module: Measures for ensuring presence of the defendant: First session: Summon, arrest warrant and the defendant's promise that he will not leave his place of residence

November 2 2022, Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the second group of newly appointed judges is conducting a theoretical training from the sub-module: Measures for ensuring presence of the defendant, with trainer Mr. Zyhdi Haziri judge in the Appeals Court.

In the framework of this session, the following are being addressed: the defendant's promise that he will not leave his place of residence, the prohibition of the defendant to approach certain places and certain persons, the defendant's obligation to appear at the nearest police station and bail, prohibiting the defendant from approaching certain places and certain persons, obliging the defendant to appear at the nearest police station, house arrest, diversion and detention, and house arrest.

Training methodology is interactive discussions and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are 18 newly appointed judges.

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