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Training - Alternative Punishments in Kosovo (session II)

On 25-26 October 2016, KJI in cooperation with EU Twinning Project on Strengthening of Probation and Correctional Services in Kosovo, conducted training on: "Alternative Penalties in Kosovo" (session II).

The purpose of this training was to explain in detail the alternative punishment the alternative punishments, and their effect on the socialization of the convicted person.

Within this training was elaborated the domestic legal framework for the imposition and implementation of alternative sanctions, judicial procedures to be followed in the imposition of these sanctions, the role of the Probation Service of Kosovo and the use of alternative sentences in Kosovo and European standards and practices to alternative punishments in the EU.

The methodology applied was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions between participants and trainers.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and officials from the Kosovo Probation Service.

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