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Regional workshop for judicial training curricula on cybercrime, electronic evidence and proceeds of crime via Internet

On 11-12 October 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia, within the IPROCEEDS project was conducted a "Regional workshop for judicial training curricula on cybercrime, electronic evidence and proceeds of crime via Internet".

The purpose of this workshop was to present and discuss the current state of judicial training curricula on cybercrime, electronic evidence and the income via the Internet in countries of Southeast Europe and Turkey.

Initially, the participating countries in this workshop presented the current state of training curricula in the field of cybercrime and electronic evidence related to financial investigations and measures against money laundering and online income. Also during this workshop were presented the achievements, challenges and the actual needs of judicial training institutions in providing adequate trainings in the respective field.

Furthermore, the work of this workshop focused on the elaboration of training courses on cybercrime, electronic evidence and proceeds of crime via Internet, as basics as also the advanced one, which were prepared and presented by experts from the Council of Europe. The content of these modules was discussed together with the delegations of the participating countries, where were given recommendations for additional elements that would complete the training curricula.

This workshop was attended by regional country teams from Southeast Europe and Turkey, while the as part of the Kosovo team was also a representative of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, which presented the KJI training curriculum, challenges and current needs in terms of promotion and provision of appropriate training programs in this field.

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