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Criminal liability for copyright infringement

On 13-14 October 2016, KJI in cooperation with the Office of Copyright and Related Rights within Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo and with the support of TAIEX conducted training on: “Criminal liability for copyright infringement".

The purpose of this training was to explain in detail the offenses against copyright infringement under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo, and to analyze some of the forms of these offenses that often appear in the court practice.

Issues addressed during this training dealt with the concept of protection of intellectual property, copyright and related rights. At the same time, were made analytical and substantive reviews regarding the impact of digital technology on copyright and the opportunities that creates technology for people that risk and violate the copyright. Whereas, special attention was paid to the alternative approach in investigating and prosecuting copyright infringement.

The methodology applied was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions followed by group work of participants.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors’ of basic level, police investigators, customs officials from Kosovo, officials from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, lawyers from all regions of Kosovo.

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