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Collaboration in comission of criminal offence

On 06 December 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on: “Collaboration in commission of criminal offence”.

The purpose of this training was to provide a detailed explanation of the forms of collaboration in commission of criminal offence, as well analyze the assistance, incitement and joining of criminal offences as forms of commission of a considerable number of criminal offences, which in practice are very difficult to be identified

During this training were elaborated issues related to co-perpetration and the agreement to commit a criminal offence, incitement and assistance including joining of criminal offence, boundaries of criminal liability and the punishment for collaboration.

In the meantime, were presented practical cases, followed by exchange of experiences with the purpose of eliminating the dilemmas encountered in practice.

The methodology applied in this training was combined by theoretical explanation and interactive discussions between participants and trainers.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance from different regions of Kosovo.

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