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Turnover of goods and services and commercial disputes

On November 29 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its CTP conducted the training on “Turnover of goods and services and commercial disputes”.

Purpose of this training was extending knowledge of judges related to interpretation of the LOR provisions, which refer to turnover of goods and services, the UN Convention for international sales of goods and its implementation in Kosovo, turnover of goods and services in EU legislation and successful case law of the European Justice Court in this area.

Issues addressed during this training were related to dilemmas and difficulties presented in practice while handling these cases, review of the LOR provisions pertaining to turnover of goods and services, and the UN Convention for International sales of goods and its implementation in Kosovo. The training discussed also about comparison of the EU legislation with the national one and some experiences from the case law of the European Justice Court in the area of turnover of goods and services.

The training involved combined method of teaching accompanied by practical examples and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges from the Appeals Court and officials from the USAID CLE. 

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