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Training of Trainers on HELP Platform

On 22 and 23 November 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Council of Europe, conducted training on: “Training of Trainers on Help Platform.

The purpose of this training was to familiarize participants with the use of HELP platform and its implementation at the national level and how to conduct training through this platform.

During the training, participants were introduced to the distance learning platform, the advantages of the platform, its mode of operation, and practiced how to access the HELP platform.

For two training days, participants had the opportunity to attend training courses through Help Platform, such as Introduction to the Convention on Human Rights, anti-discrimination and hate crimes.

The training was developed interactively where participants had the opportunity to pose questions about the use of the Help platform and its practical application, as well as learn how to attend online course through this platform.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges, prosecutors, lawyers, officials from the Constitutional Court and officials from Ombudspersons

This training was implemented by international experts of learning distance field and experts of human rights of Help program – Council of Europe. 

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