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Meeting with Mentors of the Initial Training Program

On December 8th 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its final preparations for the Initial Training Program (ITP), conducted a meeting with mentors that are engaged in the ITP for newly appointed prosecutors.

Purpose of the meeting was to inform mentors with their role and responsibilities in the mentoring process of newly appointed prosecutors.

This meeting initially presented the structure of the Initial Training Program, with emphasis in its practical part, rules and standards that are set in the Practical Training Handbook, as well as the way this process is organized. It was also discussed about the assessment program of newly appointed prosecutors, as well as other organizational issues that relate to accomplishment of the ITP practical phase.

Mentors were provided with all information and necessary documents related to ITP, like: the Regulation on the Initial Training Program, the Initial Training Program, as well as the Practical Training Handbook. 

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