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Organized Crime

On February 1st 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute, within its CTP conducted training on organized crime.

Purpose of this training was enhancement of the participant’s knowledge related to legal infrastructure for combating organized crime, actions that shall be undertaken for preventing and fighting organized crime, as well as problems that occur in practice with the purpose of efficient implementation of respective mechanisms.

This training elaborated organized crime as form of criminality made by a structured group with the purpose of direct or indirect financial or other material benefit.

Organized crime seriously threatens democracy development and rule of law, endangering human rights, safety and economic growth of the state.

Training focused mainly on elaboration of national and international legal framework that regulates this area, legal definition of organized crime, as well as identification elements if this crime.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussions, where participants had the possibility to present challenges they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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