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Protection of rights of the children without parental care

On 24-25 February 2017, the Academy of Justice conducted training on: “Protection of the rights of the children without parental care”.

The purpose of this training was proper implementation of the legislation by the judiciary on issues related to judicial procedure when providing judicial protection for the rights of the children without parental care.

Within this training initially were treated topics related to adoption as a special form of protection of these children, notion, condition and the needs for establishing the adoption, judicial procedure of the national and international adoption and its elements.

Also, during this training were treated the cooperation of the courts with guardianship authority in adoption procedure, as well as court decisions on adoption, placing of the child in another family as another form of social organization for welfare of the children without parental care and the role of the Social Center Work in this aspect, as for the placement of the child in another family or organizing the placement of the child in another family   

Custody as an institution of social character, guardianship authority as a competent body for protection of rights of the children and custody manners, were some of the topics also treated in this event.

In this part were discussed about exercising, annulment, restriction and suspension of the parental right.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance and professional associates.


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