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Criminal Offences against Children Sexual Integrity

On March 3rd 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on “Criminal Offences against Children Sexual Integrity”.

Purpose of this training was to extend knowledge of participants related to actions to be undertaken for qualification of these criminal offences, as well as sentences imposed for these offences, considering that victims are children.

This comprehensive training elaborated on crimes against children sexual integrity according to the Criminal Code, sexual assault of children, elements and characteristics of criminal offences against children sexual integrity, children as victims and the most sensitive category of society for whom the state and its mechanisms are obliged to take care and provide protection. 

Criminal Code of the republic of Kosovo, in the chapter on crimes against sexual integrity, foresees also offences that harm the children sexual integrity. Also, adequate application of legal provisions from this chapter is often challenging for judges and prosecutors. Therefore, these issues were all addressed through discussions of the participants, answering to all the questions and dilemmas that they may have in judicial practice.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussions, where the participants had the opportunity to present their challenges and difficulties that they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.


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