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Rights of the defendant from the initial detention until the end of the criminal proceeding

On April 12th 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program delivered the training on “Rights of the defendant from the initial detention until the end of the criminal proceeding”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the par-ticipant’s knowledge on the rights of the defend-ants from their first detention until completion of the criminal proceeding, respecting their rights in practice and forms or actions to be un-dertaken for consequent application of legal pro-visions that regulate this area.

During the training it was discussed about the rights of the suspects, respectively the defend-ants, in criminal proceeding, to prompt infor-mation related to the offence s/he is suspected for, the indictment and other evidence which is his/her basic right provided by actual legislation.

Also, with the purpose of protecting the dignity and basic rights of the suspected persons, it is the obligation of justice institutions to safeguard and guarantee protection of the rights of defend-ants during all stages of the proceeding, starting from the defendant’s arrest until completion of the proceeding.

The defendant’s must be informed timely and in details about the nature and cause of the charge against him/her, and to be given sufficient time to practice their rights of effective defense.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance, and police offi-cials from the investigation units.

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