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Ejtn calendar of activities and webinars for the 2023. Call for applications to participate

It is our pleasure to share with you the EJTN opportunities, who after consultations with the EU Commission last year, confirmed that the Western Balkan Project will be able to support:

  • 5 participants in Seminars
  • 1 participant in the Exchange program (that is already allocated).

This is the table of final allocations throughout the Project:


Kosovo Allocation  - Western Balkans II Project 

EJTN Seminars (TM Seminars)

Year 1 (2022)

Year 2 (2023)

Year 3 (2024)






EJTN Exchanges

(Trainers Ex and Court President Ex)

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3








As you already know, the Project has a specific target group - staff at the Judicial Academy, judicial trainers, court president or chief prosecutors, or other senior members of the judiciary who can establish institutional links.

Indeed, the project is open to fund attendance to:

  • Judicial Training Methods Seminars (TM)

For any other events, EJTN can assist you to organize the attendance, but is unable to provide funding from this budget.  If you are able to self-fund, Academy can direct an email to the Project Manager listed for the organization of that seminar to organize that seminar and preliminarily address the EJTN Project Manager who can approve participation.

Therefore, we have to provide the proposed list of candidates for the 5 Seminars (TM), and insert the applicant’s data in the attached Excel document.

You can access the EJTN Calendar of Activities for 2023 in the following link:

Also, EJTN organizes lunchtime webinars that are a series of 1-hour lunchtime webinars in the format 1 topic/1 expert/1 hour treating topics from the portfolios: Administrative Law, Civil Law, Criminal Justice, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Linguistics Programme and Judicial Training Methods.

You can find the 2023 activities here:

Therefore, if you are interested to apply please fill in the document in Excel (enclosed) and contact the Academy of Justice until March 27 2023 in the following email address: as well as in the following phone number: +383 38/ 200-18-675.

Candidates for EJTN Events Application Form

For any question please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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